Decisions Made, Decisions Ahead

Bethany McKee


I have felt called to ministry for several years but decided to actually dedicate my life to ministry about a week ago. It was a really cool step for me to take because although I already wanted to go into missions, there have been multiple times in my life where I wasn’t so sure. Times where I thought living comfortably and knowing where money is coming from will be easier. Or times when I think I’m gonna just want to have an easier job. But recently God has been teaching me not to let my emotions guide me. So to me the significance of dedicating my life to missions is that it doesn’t matter if sometimes I don’t feel up to the task. And it doesn’t matter if after I finish college, I just don’t want to do ministry anymore. I will do ministry with my life because I believe God called me to it. No turning back!Bethany McKee

Caleb Moser


In the weeks leading up to the Missions Conference, God was really working in my life and re-opening my heart to the idea of missions. After lots of prayer, God opening doors, and some personal convictions… I knew that God wanted me to fully surrender myself and be open to His leading for my life, whether it be cross-cultural missions or ministry back home. Standing up in front of a crowd and making a personal decision to allow God to do whatever with my life isn’t a small decision, and it isn’t meant to be taken lightly. I want to use the talents that God has blessed me with and I am willing to do so in whatever way He leads.Caleb Moser

These are the words of 2 of our students who decided to dedicate their lives to world missions during our Missions Conference this month. It is wonderful to see how the Word of God can transform hearts and lives.

Three things have made the past few weeks exciting, with more excitement to come!

  1. Our students have been back from their Christmas break for a month now
  2. The end of the school year is approaching rapidly
  3. We just had our annual Missions Conference when the students are challenged to consider how they want to follow God’s will with their lives.

Put all this together, and you have 70 young people who are actively thinking about what they will be doing come September.

Many 1st year students are deciding whether they will come back for 2nd year, and many of our 2nd year students are considering their next steps as well. Some of them would like to stay here in Hungary as interns. This is exciting, because the guys and girls we have seen grow over the past 1-2 years would be able to help this ministry and gain more practical experience to carry with them wherever the Lord leads them.

Having some of our students come back as interns here would be an answer to prayer, as there is much work to be done in order to invest in the lives of the incoming and returning classes.

One of the greatest challenges these new interns face is in raising funds – for many it is the first time they have ever done anything of the sort.

Next month I would like to share about these specific people and ask you to pray for them and pray about how you might invest financially in their future ministry!

Until then, thank you for your prayers and support! Without you, we would NOT be here doing what we love, preparing the next generation of Christian leaders to go into all the world, sharing the Gospel!